The library has an extensive collection of genealogical materials including local family histories, index to vital records (birth, marriage, death), Greene County state and federal census records, cemetery records and other items of interest.
Browse digital archives, explore local history resources, and learn more about upcoming genealogical programs at your library.
Greene County was incorporated in 1854 and is located in west central Iowa. It was named for General Nathanael Greene who served with General George Washington in the Revolutionary War. The first settler was Truman Davis. The first courthouse was built in 1856.
Towns: Jefferson (county seat), Churdan, Grand Junction, Paton, Rippey, Scranton
Unincorporated: Cooper, Dana, Farlin
Abandoned: Adaza, Angus (and others)
Townships: Bristol, Cedar, Dawson, Franklin, Grant, Greenbrier, Hardin, Highland, Jackson, Junction, Kendrick, Paton, Scranton, Washington, Willow
Photo courtesy of Jim Brower for the IA GenWeb Project.
Resources at Your Library

Genealogy Room
The library enjoys a unique partnership with the Greene County Genealogical Society: their reference collection is housed in the library basement. Volunteers assist patrons during open hours.
Genealogy Room Hours:
Wednesdays: 1 PM - 3 PM
Saturdays: 9 AM - 11 AM
Many family histories are available in the GCCS collection. Visit the Greene County Community Archives website and type in your surname to see if your family is included in the reference library.
The GCCS collection is extensive and not limited to Greene County. The Genealogical Society members are knowledgeable and ready to assist you in your research: to contact a member prior to your library visit, please call us at 515-386-2835.
Adult Department
The Adult Department has many resources to help you in your family history research. Many of these resources have now been digitized and are available to browse from any Internet-accessible device or computer at home, work, school, and in the library.
Resources available at the library include:
Grand Junction, Jefferson, and Scranton newspapers on microfilm from the 1800s and onward
Greene County census records on microfilm from 1850 to 1930
Cemetery burials in Greene County
Courthouse vital records like birth, death, and marriage records for Greene County

Search issues of the Jefferson Herald, Scranton Journal, The Globe Free Press and many more local history resources dating back to 1871.
Digital Archives Resource List (PDF)
Access one of the world's most comprehensive genealogical and ancestral collections.
In-library use only.