What is the Friends of the Library?
The Jefferson Public Library Friends of the Library (FOL) is a non-profit 501(c) 3 organization that supports the Jefferson Public Library through advocacy, fundraising, and volunteering. Created in 1993, the Friends of the Library currently has over 180 members, from individual memberships to local business and organization memberships.
The Friends of the Library organization exists to promote and increase the library's impact in the community. We invite you to be a part of this impact by joining our Friends organization!
What does the FOL do?
- As community ambassadors for the Jefferson Public Library, the Friends promote library events, programs, and services to Jefferson and Greene County residents.
- Annual events: the Greene County Community School District teacher's reception in August to honor educators and the "Friend of the Year" reception in the fall to honor a dedicated library volunteer.
- All proceeds from Friends of the Library events contribute to the additional support of programs, collections, and other services of the Jefferson Public Library.
- Annual fundraisers: a fall membership drive and used book sale, a December holiday book sale, and a spring used book sale.
- Past fundraisers: Chocolate Friend-zy bake sale, winter murder mystery party.
- Friends of the Library volunteers donate their time and energy to library and FOL events.
- Such volunteer opportunities include: processing book donations, assisting at annual FOL events like the book sale and membership drive, restocking Little Free Libraries around the community, providing baked goods for library events, contributing to library landscape maintenance, reading to children at the elementary school and at library storytimes, shelving books, and assisting at library programs in the Youth and Adult departments as needed.
Friends of the Library
Officers and Board of Directors
Jennifer Powers, President
Cheree Derry, Vice President
Sarah Erickson, Secretary
Kathy Marshall, Treasurer/Membership Chair
Ada Ross, Historian
Ginny Showman, Promotions Chair/Director
Renee Carhill, Volunteer Coordinator/Director
Barb Labate, Book Sale Chair
Tori Riley, Director
Connie Boyd, Director
Wendy Taylor, Director
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